Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Initial Posting

I have been using technology my whole life. I am fairly good with computers and I know a lot about them. I've taken a few computer literacy classes. I took a class in high school that taught me how to type faster. I also took a computer literacy class last year here at FSU that used SAM and went through using all of the Microsoft Suite.

In this class I hope to learn how to use technology in my teaching. I want to learn better and easier ways to teach students. Also, for myself I want to learn more about computers and technology for my personal use.

I learned through the lesson today that I am a better hands on learner. Using technology and computers is the best way to learn and use essential tools in everyday life and in the classroom.

1 comment:

Mr. Gentile said...

Hope I provide enough additional material for teachers that will help interest you. It's too bad that you already had to take a class so much like the one your taking with me. Shoot me some suggestions if you have anything you'd like to learn more of.